Is now listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production

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Is now listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production

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Crop Resources LLC

Your Source for Effective Soil Additives

AGRISERUM® is bacteria and bacteria feeders designed to enhance biological activity in the soil. Bacteria are the most abundant of the micro-organisms in the soil, but tend to be most abundant in or adjacent to plant roots. Bacteria enhance soil quality by decomposing organic matter, feeding other members of the soil food web like earthworms, protozoa, and nematodes. Bacteria physically bind soil particles into aggregates thus improving water infiltration and the soil’s water-holding ability. By increasing the water-holding ability of the soil this also reduces erosion. Bacteria help keep nutrients in the root zone and out of surface and groundwater. Bacteria compete with disease-causing organisms. Bacteria filter and degrade pollutants as water flows through the soil.

Crop Resources

Bacteria are very important to most anything grown in the soil. By adding bacteria to the soil we can enhance the soil’s ability to produce for us. AGRISERUM® is a good way to enhance the biological activity in the soil.

Does your soil have enough bacteria life?

The Life in the soil is the fertility

Our product, AGRISERUM®, was invented by Doctor Howard D. Salins in 1947. The product was used and tested in Dorsey, Illinois for 18 years before the first gallon was offered for sale in 1965 by Farmers Manufacturing Company, Inc. In July 2006 Farmers Manufacturing Company was re-organized and we now do business as Crop Resources, LLC.

Contact us for AGRISERUM® and PIT POWER®

Make Crop Resources the first choice for all of your crop’s biological needs. With over 50 years of solid industry experience under our belts, we have the knowledge and skills to address your questions and concerns. Call us today for further details.

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5635 Loop Road Dorsey,

Illinois 62021

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